Deepika Padukone graced the MET Gala in a Barbie-like avatar that made for a surreal sight. Her extravagant ball gown, teamed with an over-the-top hairdo, becomes something to appear out for. But it was her sensational makeup that stole the show. Deepika’s makeup excited her entire appearance as she selected to move in for a jewel-toned look that became oh-so-lovely. We can already see these trend paintings flawlessly for an edgy celebration or to carry out your own internal princess. Read directly to find out how to recreate this glamorous makeup trend.
Deepika’s makeup featured shades of violet with photo eyes and an ambitious matte pout.
Cleanse, tone, moisturize your pores and skin and follow a lip balm for your lips. Apply an illuminating primer on your face. Use a mattifying foundation on your face and neck. Conceal any blemishes with a concealer. Use an eyeshadow primer for your eyelids. Choose a fuchsia eyeshadow and follow it over your eyelids. Pick a silver glitter eyeshadow and apply it to the internal corners of your eyes. Extend this eyeshadow barely to the center for your decreased lash line. Pick an amethyst eyeshadow and apply it to the center of your eyelids. Do not cross over the crease. Using an angled brush, create image wing angles on the outer corners.
Use metallic purple eyeliner to your higher lash line and wing it at the outer corners. Apply a reddish-brown gel eyeliner for your top lash line, beginning from the inner corner and forestalling midway through the lash line. Apply the lining at the internal corner of your lower lash line for a sharp definition. Adhere to fake eyelashes for your upper lash line. Use beneficial quantities of volumizing mascara for your lashes. Fill your eyebrows with a forehead pencil and mix it with a spoolie brush. Apply a bronzer below your cheekbones and blend for a mild contour. Use a highlighter on your face’s excessive points consisting of the cheekbones, brow bones, bridge of the nostril, and temples.
Apply a garnet red blush to your cheeks.
Add a deep burgundy lipstick in a liquid matte system to your lips. Set your makeup with a spritz of placing spray. Wedding makeup advice: Prepare your skin for your wedding day. Unfortunately, many women wait until they are only a few months away from their wedding day before they even begin to consider skincare. Start early and take care of your skin now. You must work out your skin type to help you establish a proper skincare regime. This, combined with good eating habits, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, and regular exercise, will ensure that your skin will be radiant on your big day. To help understand your skin type and develop a quick and easy skincare routine, please read Donna’s article; Great looking skin – A simple 4 step skincare guide.
Wedding makeup tip: Beware facials!
Unless you have facials regularly, DO NOT get one the week before your wedding day. Facials can pull impurities to the surface, and you do not want to break out the week of your wedding. To help avoid scars and blemishes, do not make any major changes in your skincare routine during the few weeks before your wedding. The weeks before your wedding is not the time to experiment with your skincare. If you regularly get facials, have your last facial a good week before the wedding.